FUNCTIONS AND RESPONSIBILITIES - Assist the Land Transport Department in implementing specific development and growth of information technology.
- Focal point for E-Government National Centre (EGNC) in helping to disseminate and promote the use of information technology in the Land Transport Department (LTD).
- Review, design and create an innovative improvement support that can assist the Land Transport Department to accomplish its mission, goals and objectives among others, through the Business Process Re-engineering (BPR) and Change Management.
- Analyze technical problems and needs of the Land Transport Department and carry out measures that need to be taken by providing reports / support when required.
- Assist in administrating and ensuring safety of hardware and software of the Land Transport Department.
- Help in the preparation of standards, policies and procedures to ensure operational systems of the Land Transport Department are in accordance with best practices set by EGNC.
- Land Transport System (Sistem Pengangkutan Darat - SPD).
- Online Service for Renewal of Driving License & Vehicle License through e-Darussalam Portal.
- SiKAP Mobile Apps
- JPD Push-SMS service for customers and public using the SPD.
- Integration of SPD with the Postal Counter Automation System (CAS) for the Postal Service Department, Ministry of Communications.
- Helpdesk service through Talian Darussalam 123.
- Distributions of desktops, laptops and printers to all the Land Transport Department's branches through ITCPII supplied by EGNC.
- Set up government email accounts and usages of all officers and staff of the Land Transport Department.
- Provide network and connectivity to all Land Transport Department's branches.